Dachgemüse – ERFURT
Dachgemüse Erfurt Facebook Instagram Linkedin Info-circle Die Dachgemüse Stadtfarm befindet sich auf einer ehemaligen Gleisanlage hinter dem Kontor Erfurt. Auf ca. 1.500 m² bauen wir
food made using regenerative agriculture is - scientifically proven - 'better food':
Our Foodroots app is your central hub to buy food from regnerative agriculture just around the corner and helps you to become a climate hero! The built-in carbon score helps you to measure your impact.
Foodroots is a grassroots movement. We want to offer climate crisis-aware citizens the possibility to buy climate positive food from regenerative agriculture - and bring back excessive CO2 back to the soil. Learn more about us
We have exhausted our planet do to 200 years of living above our means. All recent forms of agriculture have a very significant impact on this. Auch alle aktuellen Formen der Landwirtschaft haben daran einen großen Anteil. Auch die Erträge auf den Anbauflächen sinken dadurch immer weiter. Wir berauben uns damit langfristig unserer Lebensgrundlage.
We have an obligation to change this actively - to save our planet for us humans to live on.
In addition to immediate stopping to use fossile fuels, we have to harvest excess carbon from the atmosphere and bring it back to the soil. Regenerative agriculture has a huge potential to do this job. 1 ton of humus can store 1,8 tons of CO2! regenerative agriculture can do this - building up 1 ton of humus can store about 1.8 tons of CO2!
It is THE most challenge task of the 21st century to balance human well-being / feed the world AND planet well-being. The recent forms of agriculture, both conventional and organic, are exhausting the soil and release huge amounts of CO2 to the atmosphere.
More and more brave farmers worldwide now switch to regenerative agriculture to reverse this process - harvesting CO2 and restoring soil.
Here is a growing list of such regenerative farmers you can already buy food from using the Foodroots app:
Dachgemüse Erfurt Facebook Instagram Linkedin Info-circle Die Dachgemüse Stadtfarm befindet sich auf einer ehemaligen Gleisanlage hinter dem Kontor Erfurt. Auf ca. 1.500 m² bauen wir
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As you can see, there are multiple ways to perform regenerative agriculture. Let's have a look how they work:
Market gardens are often designed following the rules of permaculture. There is a small very productive zone where food is grown, surrounded by a 7-10 times larger resilience zone where nature is recovering but also helping the productive zone to grow biodiversity, biomass for compost as only source of nutrients.
Agroforests are combining trees and bushes with horticulture and livestock. This generates very productive food production systems. At the same time, soil health, biodiversity and water quality increases significantly. It is also adapting agriculture to the new challenges of climate change. Get more information about it from our friends of TRIEBWERK.
Large-scale livestock farming has a very high impact on resource consumption and greenhouse gas emission. Furthermore, animals are not treated well to supply us unnecessarily with huge amounts of cheap meat. In the long run, we have to significantly reduce the amount of livestock on the planet.
However, even today regenerative farmers are using much better ways of livestock farming to enable a good way of living for those animals and use them to rebuild soils: holistic grazing management.
Animals are kept under very natural conditions in small groups and daily change of grazing areas. The results are impressive - look how the grass looks like! Biodiversity is increasing dramatically, carbon is incorporated into the soil and resilience against dry weather is increased. And animals are really feeling well.
We as customers have a very important role in supporting this change by buying regenerative food!
This is how it works:
We are constantly screening for regenerative farmers and trying to convince them to offer their products without any additional costs in our Foodroots app. You can order and buy their products using the app and pick them up at pickup points in your neighborhood (restaurants, shops, farms, smart pickups). Smart Pickup) abholen.
Your additional benefit is your increasing carbonscore that is displayed in the app.
There is no regenerative farmer in the Foodroots app for your town? Get us looking for one for you!
The more people buy food from regenerative agriculture, the more farmers can effort to change to regenerative ways of agriculture to harvest more and more CO2 from atmosphere.
If we can manage to convert 0.4% of soil into regeneration, we will be able to save the planet 4p1000.org